Dienstag, 17. April 2012

Aaaaaaaand the winner is ...

... number 8 with 49.5 % of the votes.

And in the second place we have number 4 with 24.75% of the votes.

Congratulations to both winners :)

Your designs will be improved and afterwards printed on t-shirts. We will contact you after printing, so that you can get your prizes!

Mittwoch, 21. März 2012

Howdy Guys,

Another blogpost of JFKS goes green. And yeah! We got 8 great designs in our t-shirt contest, so now it's up to you. Which logo do you want to wear on you shirt? Every logo will be improved by a pro. No dubt, every shirt looks pretty.Vote for your favourite! Which one is the best?
                                               Here is the first one:


                                                 And number 2:

                                              Number 3:

                                           Number 4:

                                           Number 5 on a t-shirt:

                                                    Number 6:
                                          Wow... number 7:

                                         And last but not least:
 Klick for voting!

Freitag, 27. Januar 2012

recent activity

Winter is coming to Berlin, so we decided to build up a food stations for birds. Here you can find instructions and pictures :) 

How to reuse a tetra pak as bird’s food station

1.      Empty the tetra pak and clean it with water.
2.      Take a razor blade or a cutter knife and cut a few holes for the food and a few holes for sticks into the  tetra pack.
3.      After drying it paint it with your favourite colour and decorate it with napkin decoupage :)
4.      Plug sticks into the holes that have been designed to hold sticks.
5.      Open the  screw closure and fill in bird’s food using a funnel. 
                                                    After painting...

                                          The whole family!
                                          Go, Milena!
                                          Having fun while searching trees :)

Have fun :)

Mittwoch, 16. November 2011

Cooking, cooking, cooking :)

Hey greeners, 

hopefully we can start our cooking sessions this year and we are planning to create our own cookery book! Now we are looking for recipes. After giving you some input on World Vegan Day it's your chance to make us some proposals. Send us your favourite recipes to jfksgoesgreen@googlemail.com
After the first cooking session we'll post pictures, article and recipes on the blog. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Looking forward to get your favourite recipes :) 

Donnerstag, 3. November 2011

Cool Green Sites

There's all this cool stuff out there sometimes it's hard to sieve through and find the best things! But here are some green things that I found especially cool.

Greenpeace(and how to get involved)

The official page: http://www.greenpeace.de/

Jugendgruppe Berlin:
jeden Freitag, 17 Uhr im Büro (außer in den Schulferien)

Ort des Treffens:
Chausseestraße 131 in 10115 Berlin-Mitte

Ansprechpartner und Kontakt:
Martha Vlasak martha (at) greenpeace-berlin.de, Nora Stognief nora.stognief (at) hotmail.de, Helena Rauch hele.rauch (at) weltfragen.de
Halli hallo,
wir sind die Berliner Greenpeace Jugend!
Wenn du Lust hast, dich mit interessierten Jugendlichen zwischen 14 und 19 Jahren aus ganz Berlin über aktuelle Themen auszutauschen und dich für die Umwelt zu engagieren bist du hier richtig. Wir organisieren unter anderem Demos, Straßentheater und Treffen mit anderen Greenpeace-Gruppen aus ganz Deutschland. Denn wir finden, dass gerade jetzt, wo die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels immer alarmierender werden, ist es Zeit, aktiv zu werden und die Leute aufmerksam zu machen. In der Vergangenheit haben wir zum Beispiel beim Karneval der Kulturen mitgewirkt, kleine Atomkraftwerke gebaut, die symbolisch aufgegessen wurden und sind zur Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen gefahren.
Wir freuen uns immer sehr über neue Mitglieder. Also komm doch mal vorbei, um zusammen mit uns coole neue Aktionen auf die Beine zu stellen.
Wir freuen uns auf dich.
Bis Bald!

Wichtiger Hinweis: wenn Du Intersse hast in der Jugendgruppe mitzumachen, dann wende Dich bitte direkt an die Person unter "Ansprechpartner und Kontakt", damit gewährt ist, dass Du auch eine schnelle Antwort bekommst!

Demonstrations in Germany

Ablauf am 28. Mai

Auftakt: ab 11 Uhr, Sammeln am Roten Rathaus, Infostände
Demonstration: 12 Uhr, Start 
Route: Spandauer Straße – Karl-Liebknecht-Straße – Unter den Linden – Neustädtische Kirchstraße – Dorotheenstraße – Scheidemannstraße (direkt vorbei am Bundestag) – Yitzhak-Rabin-Straße – Straße des 17. Juni – Hofjägerallee – Klingelhöferstraße
Abschlusskundgebung: 14 Uhr, vor der Bundesgeschäftsstelle der CDU, Konrad-Adenauer-Haus, Klingelhöferstraße (U-Bahnhof Wittenbergplatz)
Programm: Moderation: Jutta Sundermann und Daniel Unsöld
·         Akiko Yoshida (Friends of the Earth Japan)
·         Hermann Albers (Bundesverband Windenergie, BWE)
·         Ulrike Mehl (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, BUND)
·         Olivier Höbel (IG Metall)
·         Hans-Gerd Marian (Naturfreunde Deutschlands)

Wir fordern von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel:
  • Subventionen an soziale, ökologische und Tierschutz-Kriterien binden
  • Faire Regeln durchsetzen statt Agrarmärkte liberalisieren
  • Heimisches Futter statt Gentechnik-Soja fördern
  • Spekulationen mit Lebensmitteln beenden
  • Exportsubventionen stoppen
  • Der Fleischindustrie den Geldhahn abdrehen
  • Wir schätzen die tägliche Arbeit der Menschen auf den Bauernhöfen. Sie müssen im Zentrum einer Reform stehen!

Daher gehen am 21. Januar 2012 VerbraucherInnen, TierschützerInnen, UmweltschützerInnen, ImkerInnen, Bäuerinnen und Bauern gemeinsam auf die Straße.

Informationen und Materialien zur Mobilisierung, zur Busorganisation sowie zur Demo selbst folgen in Kürze.


fairtrade jobs

Very AWESOME movie!

Dienstag, 1. November 2011

Happy World Vegan Day :D

Hey guys, 
today is the World Vegan Day.
Vegan means to live without animal products such as food and clothes, but this doesn’t mean to eliminate fun, fashion and good food! Why don’t you try out some vegan recipes? There are some really good vegan dishes. Check them out! 

http://www.peta2.de/de/rezept.1061.html  Uses seasonal products like pumpkin which is environmentally friendly.
http://www.veganvillage.co.uk/recipes/broccoli.htm Again a seasonal soup with broccoli J
http://www.peta2.de/de/johannisbeermuffin.1013.html  Awesome muffins with cute pink icing <3 And the best thing – no artificial food colouring!

Not enough time to cook? Not feeling like cooking? Well, that’s no problem either. In Berlin we have a wide range of vegetarian and vegan snack bars and restaurants. 

http://www.cupcakeberlin.de/ Best cupcakes I’ve ever eaten! <3
http://www.viasko.de/ My birthday dinner at Viasko tasted awesome. Even my flesh-adoring family like their dishes. 

For further information, more recipes and stuff to get active, visit http://www.peta2.org or type in “vegan” at http://www.ecosia.org
Happy World Vegan Day :)

Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011

Kochen! Cooking!

Vegan, environmental cooking! Most people think this would mean no fun and no taste. But if you've never tried it, will you ever know? Our group has decided to tackle this very important side of sustainability. It is a common fact that in the new era of globlization, it is normal to eat food that has travelled half the globe. But is that truly healthy? And is it even profitable, for us and for the environment?
Many studies and magazine articles indicate the exact opposite. Just like with clothes, the price on the label may, at a first glance, seem cheaper. But when one looks closer at the impact this product has on the environment that will have to payed by us in the long run, anyway (poisoned water from factory fed to large rivers that destroy the fish population for example, which we then have to clean and live with) and the slave-like conditions of the workers who made the shirts, it becomes clear just how much higher the price actually is. And not to forget the common rule of quantity over quality, which pretty much applies to anything you buy.
Thus, starting to buy local vegetables and fruits from neighboring farms or markets will not only help your tight budget, but help the environment too! And if you're too lazy to go out and cycle to the farm yourself, you can always get it brought right up to your front doorstep in a so called "farm delivery service". This means that they bring you a box of their harvests each month and give you recipes and tips on how to cook them. It is definitely a good way to find out about local vegetables, many of which less and less people know of!
Have you perked up yet? Feel like starting your own "cooking group" that finds out how to cook environmentally? This is how we will do it:
We'll meet around 1 time per month. The place is still undecided. It can be practically anywhere as long as there's a kitchen to cook in and a table to eat on! Of course, you can always go the long way and take a camp cooker and try cooking in the middle of nowhere. definitely an experience. The idea is to shop together, to cook, and then of course everyone can join in to eat! We would probably need to each pay 2 euro for the shopping per month. After a few times, we will start putting recipes together and make our own environmental cooking book.

This is a perfect example of a great recipe and project to make aware how important food is and where it comes from!